Submissions for the Arts & Letters Fiction Prize, the Susan Atefat Prize for Creative Nonfiction, and the Rumi Prize for Poetry are open January 4 - February 20. Guidelines can be found our website:
Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and Fiction Winners will appear on our beautiful new Arts & Letters website and receive a $1,000 prize. Our prizes are made possible through generous gifts to our prize endowments from Dr. Martin Lammon, Dr. Barry Darugar, Bahram and Fari Atefat, and other friends of Arts & Letters. If you are interested in contributing to our endowments, please contact us!
Regular submissions are open August 1 - September 30.
See guidelines on our website and the descriptions below each category for more information on what we're looking for.
We nominate for the following prizes:
We publish new and upcoming writers along with more established writers among the ranks of past contributors including R.T. Smith, Denise Duhamel, Donald Hall, Brett Lott, Maxine Kumin, Dinty Moore, Bob Hicok, Xu Xi, Lia Purpura, Mark Jarman, and David Kirby.
We pay $50 minimum or $10 per published page.
Note: By submitting to Arts & Letters, you're also signing up for our newsletter. We will never give out your e-mail to anyone else.
We accept one winning story up to 25 pages (other submissions will be considered for publication at our normal rates). All submissions must be typed and double-spaced with numbered pages. (We prefer Word documents, but you can submit a pdf if you need to.) We prefer, for the prizes, that your work not be simultaneously submitted.
Do not put your name anywhere on the manuscript or it will be rejected unread. It's important.
We offer the winner a $1,000 prize and publication in that year's Fall issue.
Submit up to four poems (maximum of ten pages total), typed, single-spaced. We accept one winner (other submissions will be considered for publication at our normal rates). Please include all your poems in one document, but make sure each poem starts on its own page. We prefer, for the prizes, that your work not be simultaneously submitted.
Do not put your name anywhere on the manuscript or it will be rejected unread. It's important.
We offer the winner a $1,000 prize and publication in that year's Fall issue.
We accept one winning Creative Nonfiction piece of up to 25 pages (other submissions will be considered for publication at our normal rates). All submissions must be typed and double spaced with numbered pages. (We prefer Word documents, but you can submit a pdf if you need to.) We prefer, for the prizes, that your work not be simultaneously submitted.
Do not put your name anywhere on the manuscript or it will be rejected unread. It's important.
We offer the winner a $1,000 prize and publication in next year's Fall or Spring issue.